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Metallic Epoxy

Take your concrete surfaces to the next level with our high-performance metallic epoxy coatings! Our specialized team will work with you to choose the perfect color and finish for your unique project.


● Metallic epoxy coatings are resistant to scratches, cracks, and fading, making them an excellent choice for high-traffic areas.
● These coatings can withstand exposure to harsh chemicals, such as cleaning products or industrial solvents.
● Epoxy-based coatings provide excellent protection against UV rays, which can cause discoloration and fading over time.
● Metallic epoxy coatings are easy to clean and maintain with a simple soap-and-water solution.
● These coatings can be formulated to provide improved slip-resistance, making them an ideal choice for areas where safety is a top concern.

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Types of Metallic Epoxy:

● These coatings have a soft, shimmering appearance that gives the impression of depth and dimensionality.
● These coatings have a bright, metallic sheen that can be customized to match specific colors or finishes.
● These coatings have a unique, hologram-like appearance that can add visual interest to your space.